Monday, February 20, 2006

And The Award For The Best British Male Goes To...

...sigh...Who decided that then?

Anyway, it was good to see a grafter in my, er, age group (more or less) get an award. Well done, KT. (Woo-Hoo! etc.) I don't know her. I don't own her record. I might buy it now and not pretend it's for someone else. I can't be arsed to be snobby about her. She seems like a genuinely nice person; no - she is a nice person. I can tell. I bet she'd never hang out with Lady Victoria Hervey and Michael Winner at polo matches, eating fox-face canapes.

Who else? Well, the winner of the Mastercard (!?!) British Album was - OH, WHO CARES?

In an attempt to freshen my ears, I travelled through computer space and visited an internet radio station I found out about a couple of weeks ago, and I've not been off it since. It's called Last FM, and it's free. You probably know all this already. You just go on, type in a band or type of music you're interested in (like Camera Obscura, just for example of course) and it plays you a selection of tunes in that vein. It's a bit like listening to a great big mixtape. Generated by machines. Because you have no friends.

Anyway, click on the link above and explore for yourself. It's beautiful. It's beautiful. It's beautiful, it's true.

(aka Mr. Potato Head, I discovered recently)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

A Handful of Dust

Well nobody* has offered me an arse-kicking for a while and hence no blogs. One day I might get round to investigating that autonomy lark. Still, I will attempt to kick my own arse since some people recently were kind enough to tell me they enjoy reading our blog and refresh refresh! with bated breath on at least a five second basis. Fancy that eh?

The real reason I am writing is because I am meant to be doing something else even more than this. I have the feeling I might have said that in every blog I have written and it is probably always true. I should be writing the ol' dissertation but I've spent so long checking emails and the like first that any semblance of concentration I had has dissipated leaving a nasty mess. No wait, I did just delete a word and then write it in again. Progress eh? Wonderful stuff.

I don't have much news to report other than the sad demise of my laptop. If you fancy enjoying a minute's silence on its behalf, feel free but I don't suppose it will help much. I should probably say that I have really enjoyed all of the gigs we've played in the last few months. I quite like playing live these days and such enjoyment is even evident on my face sometimes, or so I'm told. They were probably trying to be nice. And I too enjoyed the wonder that is Amy Allison and can't help but recommend you swing your mouse towards shoeshine records and purchase her albums. She also wins a prize for guessing one of the books I'm writing about for my dissertation (yeah I told her the title first) in one shot despite the distraction of Sauchiehall Street's glittering attractions as we passed down it in merry conversation. Smart cookie her.

Right that's your lot. I have words to shuffle.

Carey xx

*this can't be true now I think about it

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Chopsticks! The new Pool?

The last week has been very hectic and blurry. We played at the wonderful Spitz in London with the amazing Amy allison. David.M, Amy's dad did write Young Man Blues (The Who Live At Leeds) by the way. For the second time that we have played at the Spitz we were given sushi as a gift (thanks Keiko) but I made the rest of the band feed me because I can't use chopsticks although I started to get the hang of them by the end of the night. I reckon that using chopsticks is a bit like playing pool, you are crap on one pint, okay by two, amazing on three pints (trick shots and all) and crap again thereafter.
Last Friday back in Glasgow we saw Amy play at a place called the Mixing Rooms, weird place but she was great. I should also mention Amy's guitarist, Jon Graboff, who never made smoking and drinking whiskey looks so cool, he's up there with Hawley, great stories too. Afterwards we went to a basement bar round the corner and were subjected to Bon Jovi and other assorted eighties power ballads. There was drinking and there was dancing, I drank, I feel like a five year old at a birthday party when i dance these days.
Thanks to everyone who has come to see us live recently it has been a lot of fun and we can't wait to tour the new album. If anyone is going to be in Glasgow this Saturday (11th), you HAVE to go to Nice and Sleazies and check out Jens Lekman with Bill Wells. Should be a cracker if Jens' last show in Glasgow is anything to go by.
Hasta Luego.